The God Witness of Creation

The God Witness of Creation

Everything that exists, all of creation itself, from the galaxies, down to the nucleus of the atom, testifies and witnesses of God. It all exists within Him, so why would it not have or carry His DNA, in that sense, His watermark so to speak. Science calls all of this they see and are amazed at how order is in all of this as, “Intelligent Design”. What they refuse to acknowledge is, the Intelligent Designer of it all is God, who made all things through Christ Jesus.

One of the basic necessities for life to be is this, “Contrast”. The old TV sets had knobs to adjust the brightness and the darkness and if you had too much of either, the image on the screen could not be seen. There had to be a balance of “contrast”. Jesus was God on the inside and God is Light and then at Calvary when he took the Sins of the World, came the Darkness. So there at Calvary was the “Contrast” God used to form all of Creation. The mixing of the darkness or shadows and the light, formed temporal existence that we call or is known as, “Life”.

Without God and without Jesus, there is no existence. All that does exist, does so in them and by them and through them. The very breath of air that flows in and out of the Atheists nose testifies against them that their is a God. Even if there was no such a thing as the Law or the Jew or the Bible or the Christian or Jewish religions, or no religions, the very fact that life and creation exists and that mankind exists is a witness of itself that their is a God that made all things.

Within every person that has ever lived, there is what we call a, “Human Conscience” that came from God Himself. That alone tells us of what is good and what is evil and how we love feeling good but we have the condemnation when we do evil and this fact alone speaks volumes that only a good awesome eternal being we call God put that in there as He describes Himself as Good and hates the Evil. The same moral Law so to speak that he has is in us as humanity. Nothing in creation has that but a human being.

Nothing else in creation has, “Free Will” to make those choices of good or evil as well. Everything else has a set order that was programmed in them to be what they are and to do what they do, but man actually has a choice in that sense. So this Intelligent Design comes from an Intelligent designer and that is God as all that exists does so In Him, within Him, for in Him we move and breathe and have our very being. God, the eternal self existing invisible Mind without beginning or ending. He fills all in all and He inhabits eternity. phn

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