Satan Is Cast Out

Satan Is Cast Out

Now hold on, as we say something to you that seems so light and easy, but the reality of it is profound. I stand amazed the way God sees things and reveals them to us.

Listen. The sinner, the wicked, they that are dead in sin, meaning death is in them, in their bodies. These that are in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Those not born again. Those whose names is not in the Lambs Book of Life. Those pre-destinated to hell…listen and ponder and deeply consider this….. that those that are in that place, they are in hell already, and Satan is their ruler, and listen to this and slowly ponder this:

That the fact that they are in the flesh, and dead in sin and Satan is in them, in their flesh, in their body….then that means Satan was cast out of heaven already and the fact that Satan is in them already means that when Satan was cast out of heaven, to be personified as the Anti-Christ, as their are many AC and the spirit of AC is in the world and has been for years, then this means, Satan is cast out and in them already and that they are already the Anti-Christ and they have the Mark already and that their body is the Beast already, right now as we speak, it is that way with them.

This day, it is revealed that Satan has been cast out and is in them in their flesh and now to be revealed to them who they are. The revelation is what brings that personification to them.

We say to ourselves, that one day, the AC will come, and one day Satan will be personified in the flesh, in the body and be the AC. Folks it has already happened. Those left behind, those in the flesh, those dead in sin, the world and those left behind in the tribulation already, for the flesh and Satan in the flesh is great tribulation. That is how Satan entered them, and when He entered them. He was cast out at Calvary which is the Tree of Knowledge and the Fall. There is not a time when Satan will be cast out and then be personified in the flesh, it has already happened. This revelation can now come because the Elect have been translated out of the flesh meaning they were never in the flesh nor of the flesh. We have always been in heaven and they have always been in the flesh, in sin and in hell. God has just held back the revelation to them of their state because of grace to the elect.

This revelation on this day, and being Passover, denotes the door of salvation is now closed. Alot we could say to show and prove this, but it is done and it will be manifested very soon. A terrible time is at hand. phn

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